воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Am i the only one who clicks on that clock at the bottom of the taskbar all the time to see what day it is and what the dates are of next weekend, etc?�

i suppose itapos;s function is to change your clock on your computer, but really, who needs that at your fingertips as much as a calendar.

It pisses me off that at school thatapos;s locked cause iapos;m just a user not a whatever, administrator.�� i donapos;t want to change it, i just want to look at� it.

Yes i always have my green dayplanner paper thing handy there in ye olde "meat space" (hyuk see now private entry on funny things classmates say) but clicking is even faster, and habitual, so iapos;m choked almost daily when i try to look up dates on that.

thereapos;s a conference on human trafficking in van on the 29/30th, but thatapos;s a weds thurs.� if you were wondering.� yesterday it was to see the dates of next weekend as i think weapos;re thinking of going to see VJ.

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Iapos;ll have to disagree with Rush on his review Friday of the traditional fundraising dinner that was held last week with both Obama and McCain present. I thought both candidates were hilarious and were able to make good humor during a time both are fighting for president of the US.

Donapos;t take politics so seriously that you canapos;t laugh. Both men have flaws, both men have good points. As long as my constitutional rights are intruded upon (like owning a gun), I see no reason to get up in arms or revolt. I hear some people talking about that. If Obama doesnapos;t get the office, thereapos;s predicted to be a nationwide revolve mostly race related (along with the liberal loons). If McCain doesnapos;t get it, donapos;t freak. It means the nation has decided to take a different turn. I may not agree with it, but Iapos;m not the only one living in this country with a vote. Voters on both sides need to come to grip with these facts.

Most most importantly, learn to laugh. Both of these candidates do. And that I find as a quality.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Riding plastic tricycles and home-made wooden cars down steep hills in Central Park totally breaks new boundaries of awesome.

Also skin, for some people.

And Big wheels do incredible skids on sharp turns. Itapos;s totally amazing. And theyapos;re really fun to ride side-saddle. Riding it while facing backwards was interesting, too.

Iapos;m pumped for next time. I have vague creative ideas involving wood and twelve months to kill.

This weekend totally rocks. Everythingapos;s happening perfectly despite the scheduling insanity. Iapos;m even well rested for tonight

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I left the old job, boss was a pain in the ass. I felt like a fish that was hooked by the jaw, and the fucker that had me hooked would reel me in, then let the line out, just to reel me back in. That fucker still owes me more than $2K.

I already have far more respect for the new boss, which was easy to get, than the old one. Things are run much better there. I will sign up for and take any training that I can get, because in this economy, it looks like I may be in private security for a while.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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So donapos;t wannago to work today. I have much to accomplish there, which isnapos;t normally a problem. Except,I have alot to do at home and I am totally depleted of all energy to do so by the time I get back here.

I get to put out Christmas books today.

I tried my best to postpone getting them out until after Halloween, but all the other stores put theirs out and Jackie doesnapos;t want to loose sales because of it Argh, stupid peer pressure.

To do Xmas books, am having to restructure entire kids section. Hoooray.....

That, and because we are getting another new fridge....eventually to replace the one we got which is dented, my parents have embargoed buying new groceries. So Iapos;ve been having to buy pretty much every meal this week. Yuck. Mostly Iapos;ve been walking to Trader Joeapos;s on my break. But still, eesh. Am so tired.

So I bought a cedar chest, because moths kept getting to my sweaters--not so good. Itapos;s HUGE. To get a smaller one Iapos;d have to get it custom made and it would be at least twice as much as what I got this one for (thank you Southern Maryland and your thrift stores). I actually really like it, I just am having problems figuring out how to work it and all of my other furniture in my room... (I own too much, I know)

Had a weird dream that Brad Pitt was working at Borders, and he and I were friends so I got to baby sit Shiloh and Zahara. And then he brought the twins over to my house so I could see them.
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I donapos;t get how shippers choose delivery options.

$250 dollars worth of memory foam mattress pad and pillow? Shipped and left at the door, no signature required.

$30 worth of tea, I have to sign the back of the slip (but at least they did leave it with just the slip signature).

$6000 worth of medication, they would have been willing to leave on my porch if I had asked them to deliver it to my home address.

But my orders of 2 pairs of jeans and now, several flats of cat food, require an IN PERSON signature, which in practice means I have to drive out to UPS to pick the thing up.

Itapos;s not far, but still, itapos;s annoying. (Especially as weapos;re talking 70 lbs of cat food. Iapos;m going to have to unpack the box in the store and carry it out a little at a time, itapos;s the only way.)

Seriously. Petfooddirect is afraid someone is going to steal my cat food?
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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I wake up and canrsquo;t speak. I can hardly even whisper. I try and try but no sound comes out. Irsquo;m in Chicago at Angiersquo;s grandparentsrsquo; house. Itrsquo;s the day of our performance at Second City on the main stage and I have lost my voice. I donrsquo;t know what to do. This is horrible, but I know Irsquo;ll figure it out.

Angie helps me to explain my condition to Shenoah and Mark. All through the morningrsquo;s rehearsals I do not make a sound. I just drink bottle after bottle of water and know that I will be able to speak when I need to. We walk in a group to the main stage. Itrsquo;s awe-inspiring. Standing on the stage that Tina Fey, John Belushi, Chris Farley, Amy Sedaris, Rachel Dratch, and so many others have is possibly the coolest thing Irsquo;ve ever done. Backstage is a small, colorful greenroom filled with chairs, shelves, and photos. Quotes are written all over the walls. This is fantastic.

During the quick dress rehearsal I do not speak. While the audience fills in and we huddle in the tiny wings, I drink water and I prepare myself, prepare my voice. Just before the show starts I finally test it. I make a soft scratchy noise and thatrsquo;s all the confidence I get.
When the showrsquo;s over, my voice is nowhere to be heard and I am cursed to silence again.

(August 5, 2006)

And now itrsquo;s time to go onstage for the first scene in which I have to speak. I am nervous, but Irsquo;m just going to have to make it work. I donrsquo;t know whatrsquo;ll happen if my voice doesnrsquo;t come through for me. Zach will have to find a way to cover for it. Wersquo;ll have to improvise a totally new scene. Irsquo;m pretty confident that we could do it, but we wonrsquo;t have to. I will speak. I just will. I take one more swig of water, clear my throat, and walk onstage into the bright hot lights.

And I speak. I speak loud and clear. I donrsquo;t even sound like Irsquo;m sick. And it lasts through the entire show. And that is the amazing, undeniable magic of the stage.

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.


Look how goofy I look dressed up.� In my opinion Halloween is an excuse for the girls to dress slutty and for the guys that have deep rooted desires to be a transvestite to celebrate.�� If a man�IS a transvestite does he dress like a man on Halloween?�

What if someone hooks up on Halloween.� Say he was attracted to her because of her black wig and she liked him dressed as a caveman in a loincloth with a�wooden club.� Isnapos;t that second date gonna be awkward?�

And whatapos;s with people over thirteen going trick-or-treating?� If you have entered puberty its time to put down the clown suit and start helping around the house.� Life moves pretty fast.� This Halloween Iapos;ll be at our Simply Wicked party at Bradleys...but this year I wonapos;t fall victim to the peer pressure of being forced to dress up to fit in.� Remember those nutballs that put a square purple cloth over their heads, black sweat shirts, sweat pants and black nikes?��They were the Heavenapos;s Gate cult in 1997 and they were told to do that so they could leave their bodies and jump on some space ship that followed the Halle Bop Comet.� 39 dead at the end of the day.� See what happens when you dress up to "fit in?"�

Donapos;t drink the Kool-Aid
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There is a kitten living in my house right now. Sheapos;s tiny and meows a lot and slept in the bed last night. Sheapos;s super affectionate and playful. Sheapos;s a stray that was living outside of Danielapos;s house that Daniel and I slowly befriended by feeding her. My parents have agreed to take her in, so this weekend sheapos;s going to come home with me and go to her new home. But for a week I get to have a kitten living in my room and itapos;s wonderful.

Speaking of awesome animals, I had last Thursday off from school because it was Yom Kippur (thank you, large amount of Jewish people at Tulane) so Daniel and I went to the zoo. The sea lions are back and they are like large versions of otters. They were super playing and amusing. Everything else was great. I wish I had more time and money to go to the zoo more often.

I am kinda super busy right now between work and school. Midterms are the happening right now. So Iapos;ll be super happy when I have my last test next Friday. Itapos;s so far away. Not to mention I had a cold the other week that segued into ragweed season. Normally I can keep my allergies pretty under control with my prescriptions. But ragweed season is a beast that no medicine can tame for me. So my vision is bad and I canapos;t smell anything and Iapos;m light headed from all the sinus pressure and basically this just couldnapos;t have come at a worse time. Blah. At least I have a kitten. And a Daniel to keep me together.

Halloween soon I want to bake cookies using my ghost cookie cutter or make cupcakes that look like spiders.
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